Sunday, 21 August 2011

War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions

Five months into the bombing campaign, it is no longer possible to believe the initial official version of the events and the massacres attributed to the "Gaddafi regime". Moreover, it is now essential to take into account Libya’s legal and diplomatic rebuttal, highlighting the crimes against peace committed by television propaganda, the war crimes perpetrated by NATO military forces, and the crimes against humanity sponsored by political leaders of the Atlantic Alliance.
Just under half of Europeans still support the war against Libya. Their position is based on erroneous information. They still believe, in fact, that in February the "Gaddafi regime" crushed the protests in Benghazi with brutal force and bombed civilian districts in Tripoli, while the Colonel himself was warning of "rivers of blood" if his compatriots continued to challenge his authority.

During my two months’ investigation on the ground, I was able to verify that these accusations were pure propaganda intoxication, designed by the NATO powers to create the conditions for war, and relayed around the world by their television media, in particular Al-Jazeera, CNN, BBC and France24.


(follow link for rest of article by Thierry Meyssan)

Friday, 19 August 2011

Washington Tried to Snatch $1.5 billion to pay its NTC employees

The United States tried to seize on Monday 1 500 000 000 dollars owned by the Libyan state, but at the last minute South Africa got in its way. The documents emanating from this episode, and unveiled by Voltaire Network, reveal that the members of the NTC and their staff are the direct employees of a US entity.

(follow link for rest of article)

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable

The war propaganda has entered a new phase, involving the coordinated action of satellite TV stations. CNN, France24, the BBC and Al Jazeera have become instruments of disinformation used to demonize governments and justify armed aggressions. These practices are illegal under international law and the impunity of the perpetrators must be stopped.
"Words and, especially, images can be used to prepare the worst crimes. In this case, the intoxication by CNN, France24, the BBC and Al Jazeera constitute "crimes against peace." They should be considered as being more serious than the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by NATO in Libya and by Western intelligence agencies in Syria insofar as they precede and make them possible.
Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be tried by International Justice."

(for rest of article, follow link)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

The massacre committed by NATO in Zliten

On 8-9 August 2011, a large number of casualties occurred in the city of Zliten, in the district of Misurata. 85 people were killed including 33 children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO’s deliberate targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Many of the injured civilian victims are in critical condition and near death.
Zliten has been under constant NATO bombardment for several days. The recent NATO attacks started at about 11:30 p.m. EET on August 8, 2011. At least 7 civilian homes belonging to local farmers were destroyed, killing entire families. In all 20 families were the targets of the NATO bombings.
This video exposes the media’s role of covering up the truth. The mainstream media did not report about this properly or accurately. The media did this to whitewash NATO’s war crimes against the Libyan people.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

NATO massacre civilians in Zliten

A large number of casualties occurred in the city of Zliten, in the district of Misurata. In Zliten, 85 people were killed including 33 children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO's deliberate targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Many of the injured civilian victims are in critical condition and near death.
Zliten has been under constant NATO bombardment for several days. The recent NATO attacks started at about 11:30 p.m. EET on August 8, 2011. At least 7 civilian homes belonging to local farmers were destroyed, killing entire families. In all 20 families were the targets of the NATO bombings.
This video exposes the media's role of covering up the truth. The mainstream media did not report about this properly or accurately. The media did this to whitewash NATO's war crimes against the Libyan people.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Ashraf Abdel Fatah Younis

At the graveside, Mr Younis's son Ashraf broke down, crying and screaming as they lowered the body into the ground and - in a risky display in a city that was the first to shed Gaddafi's rule nearly six months ago -pleaded hysterically for the return of the Libyan leader to bring stability. "We want Muammar to come back! We want the green flag back!" he shouted at the crowd, referring to Gaddafi's national banner."​ld/comrades-killed-libya-r​ebel-chief

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

War against Libya: an economic catastrophe for Africa and Europe

One of the motives for the war against Libya is to stop the development of the black continent, to enable the setting up of an AfriCom military base in Cyrenaica and to begin the colonial exploitation of Africa for the benefit of the United States. In order to understand this hidden agenda, Voltaire Network interviewed Mohamed Siala, Co-operation Minister and Manager of Libya’s sovereign wealth fund.

(follow link for rest of article)

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Massive Rally in Support of a united Libya against NATO and its Rebels

It was more like a party, the atmosphere was fantastic. See for yourself:

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Nassr university bombed

NATO bomb Nassr university, Tripoli.

Go to link for photos of the bombing itself, the buildings and the victims.

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Just had a text from the government warning us not to go anywhere near even less touch anything where they have bombed. Humanitarianism has been stepped up to more uranium I guess, but they don't want to say...

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Hell raining down on Tripoli

around 60 bombs and missiles on Tripoli, outskirts and centre today. during the day that is, they are still going. as are the sirens of the ambulances.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

What you dont know about the libyan crisis

This short movie shows the facts about those rebels who described by some as "freedom fighters". Libya is planed to be Iraq 2 , but instead of saying WMD...

Friday, 3 June 2011

An Armed People

ust to tell me what I already knew, all of Libya is armed to the teeth, and demonstrations against NATO are getting very loud gunwise, so they sent out this mass text message: الى كل ليبي مسلح من أبناء وطننا الغالي. علينا المحافظة على ذخيرتنا و عدم اهدارها في الهواء فنحن حاجة ماسة اليها لمواجهة أعدائنا

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Cynthia McKinney - former congress woman, writing about her experience here in Tripoli
While serving on the House International Relations Committee from 1993 to 2003, it became clear to me that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was an anachronism. Founded in 1945 at the end of World War II, NATO was founded by the United States in response to the Soviet Union.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Watch if you want to know what bombs do​=cw8CUg0C3WE&feature=channel_v​ideo_title

video of the latest victims of NATO's "humanitarian" bombing raids. brace yourself, very graphic. but if you want to know, you should see this.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Houses with no windows

Went to see a couple of the places bombed last night and the night before. Houses surrounding the area have no windows anymore, doors have given way, cars pushed into house fronts by the pressure wave. Devastation all round. Metal bits stuck in walls and pavements heaven knows where they came from. Smoke still rising in places.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Another Air Raid on Tripoli

Left our room for the night, the place shook so much we were sure it was going to come down on top of us. house without ceilings would hit the spot now... 12 so far.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Libyan War, American Power and the Decline of the Petrodollar System​.php?context=va&aid=24542
The present NATO campaign against Gaddafi in Libya has given rise to great confusion, both among those waging this ineffective campaign, and among those observing it. Many whose opinions I normally respect see this as a necessary war against a villain though some choose to see Gaddafi as the villain...

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Ten reasons why the U.S. war in Libya is a CIA operation
Under the guise of “protecting innocent civilians,” the U.S. military, Africom, NATO, and the United Nations are now bombing Libya, raining destruction upon the Libyan economic and military infrastructure and killing untold numbers of innocent Africans.​n/publish/Perspectives_1/artic​le_7783.shtml

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The “International Criminal Court”: Prosecuting Gaddafi With Questionable Evidence While Ignoring NATO-Israeli Atrocities


The International Criminal Court has requested an arrest warrant for Colonel Gaddafi  and his sons for “crimes against humanity”, accusing them of ordering, planning and participating in illegal attacks on civilians. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, International Criminal Court Prosecutor, said, “Based on the evidence collected, the prosecution has applied to pre-trial chamber one for the issuance of arrest warrants against Moammar Muhamad abu Minyar Gaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah al-Sanoussi.”
But what is the evidence? The press release on the website of the International Criminal Court makes frequent reference to “direct evidence” but fails to cite any of this evidence in detail. In order to try and clarify the grounds for the prosecution, I emailed the ICC:
I’m looking into the ICC Prosecutor allegations of war crimes against Col. Gaddafi and his sons and am struggling to find the evidence on which these accusations are based. Referring to the press release issued on 16th May 2011 ( there is frequent reference to “direct evidence” obtained by the ICC but nothing in the way of the actual evidence itself. Can you point me to a comprehensive analysis of this evidence so I can refer to it in my article?
A secondary point of which you could be assistance relates to the following passage: “The Office will further investigate allegations of massive rapes, war crimes committed by different parties during the armed conflict that started at the end of February, and attacks against sub-Saharan Africans wrongly perceived to be mercenaries” Given that some of the parties involved in these rapes and attacks against sub-Saharan Africans were armed and funded by Western powers via their proxies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, will NATO-affiliated forces also be under investigation for their part in these atrocities? Are NATO forces being investigated for the deaths of civilians as a consequence of Operation Mass Appeal, in addition to covert actions carried out by special operations forces prior to the NATO-led bombing campaign?
I look forward to your response and clarification.
Needless to say, “redacted” is the operative word.
Sources backing up the frequent assertions in the document regarding crimes against humanity carried out by Gaddafi and his sons are notable by their absence. For example, the document states, “In the early days of the demonstrations, GADDAFI transmitted orders through his Secretariat to “discipline” civilians, by killing them and destroying their property, who had openly rebelled against the regime. Further, AL‐SENUSSI, upon GADDAFI’s instructions, directed and coordinated the operation of the Security Forces in Benghazi and expressly ordered the shooting at civilians. Demonstrators were attacked by members of the Security Forces who opened machine gun fire on them in different areas of the city, such as the Juliyana bridge and Jamal Abdun Naser Street.” The sources for these alleged transmissions and subsequent attacks are not provided. Further, the report uses vague generalisations concerning the history of Libya in an attempt to bolster its case. “Direct evidence of the plan to use extreme and lethal violence is corroborated by the scale, scope and duration of the attacks; the pattern of the attacks in various cities; the speeches and statements of GADDAFI, SAIF AL‐ISLAM and AL‐SENUSSI; the history of the regime’s response to any political opposition within Libya; and the complete authority exercised by GADDAFI and his subordinates over all important security decisions.” Again, the “direct evidence” is not sourced, while appealing to a state’s prior human rights record is not proof by any measure of the current crimes of which they stand accused.
The report continues, stating, “On 20 February, SAIF AL‐ISLAM spoke on Libyan state television, refusing to recognize the Libyans’ demands, blaming the unrest on “foreign agents” and threatening the country with a “civil warʺ “worse than Iraq and worse than in Yugoslavia” that would cause “thousands of deaths”. No mention is made of the presence of the SAS and CIA in the country prior to this point, validating the claim that “foreign agents” were in fact involved in the unrest. Nor does the report concede the rather obvious point that a “civil war” cannot by definition be waged without more than one party, thus implicating forces backed by foreign powers in the “thousands of deaths” that Saif Al-Islam hinted might follow.
The document again makes the claim that Gaddafi opened fire on peaceful protestors without providing any sources for this claim, stating, “During that night, massive demonstrations against GADDAFI took place in different areas of Tripoli after the sunset prayers. GADDAFIʹs Security Forces opened fire as soon as they met groups of peaceful demonstrators that were walking towards the Green Square. Similar incidents were replicated throughout the day mainly in the areas of the Green Square and city center, Mojam’a Al‐Mahakem Court compound and Al‐Dribi. The protesters set on fire government buildings, including the General People’s Congress, and at least one police station and one ministry.” The report provides no video, photographic or any other evidence for these assertions. Perhaps the following point is intended to provide such evidence: “On 22 February GADDAFI spoke on State television from his headquarters in Bab Al‐Azizia, Tripoli. He refused to acknowledge any legitimacy of the demonstrators’ demands and did not regret the crimes committed by his Security Forces. On the contrary, GADDAFI called the protesters ʺratsʺ, “garbage” and “mercenaries” and threatened “to clean Libya inch by inch, house by house, small street by small street, individual by individual, corner by corner until the country is clean from all garbage and dirt”.” Clearly, threatening such actions is not proof by any measure that such actions were indeed carried out – if that were the case, one must present a prosecution for war crimes against the State of Israel, since shortly before Operation Cast Lead the deputy defence minister Matan Vilnai threatened a “shoah”. The slaughter that followed proved that this was no empty threat – yet the ICC has made no effort to present a case for prosection against Israel for the killing of Gazan civilians, which included over 300 children in the death toll.
The report continues with more unsupported assertions, stating, “On 25 February, Friday, one week after the beginning of the attacks and a day of prayer for the Muslim community, GADDAFI issued further instructions to attack civilians. He learned that demonstrations were scheduled that day after the prayers and instructed the deployment of Security Forces throughout the city. Snipers strategically placed awaited the crowds to leave the mosques. Multiple sources describe how civilians were shot at throughout the city when they were pouring from the mosques after the prayers. On this day alone GADDAFI’s forces killed up to one‐hundred civilians in Tripoli in the areas of Green Square, Souq al‐Jomaa, Arada, Zawyet al dahmani, Tajoura and Fashloom, among others.” Despite refering to “multiple sources” not a single one of these is cited.
The document then continues. “In sum, the evidence demonstrates that GADDAFI conceived a plan to quell the popular demonstrations of February 2011 by all means, including through the use of extreme and lethal violence.” Unfortunately, as appears to be self-evident from the frequent unsourced assertions combined with the proliferation of redactions throughout the document, it is perhaps fair to conclude the there is very little evidence to demonstrate the central claims of the International Criminal Court’s prosecution against Colonel Gaddafi and his sons. This is perhaps best highlighted on page 17 of the document: (

Following on from this I emailed the ICC once again:
Many thanks – it would seem that the evidence is flimsy and circumstantial at best (that is, the evidence that hasn’t been redacted) – most of the key claims (use of snipers against civilians etc) appear to be completely lacking sources. Will a version of this be released for public consumption without the redactions?
Can you respond to my second point with regards to prosecuting NATO forces for civilian deaths/attacks on hospitals and civilian infrastructure and the repeated use of depleted uranium? Also, is a case going to be brought against Israel for the recent killing of protestors as well as the attack on the humanitarian ship Spirit of Rachel Corrie in international waters?
The evidence for these crimes against humanity is certainly overwhelming in comparison to the evidence provided by the ICC in their case against Gaddafi, yet the ICC has remained steadfastly silent when it comes to the crimes committed by NATO and Israeli forces, both recent and historical. The crimes of which Gaddafi and his sons are accused by the ICC may indeed have occurred, although the paucity of evidence provided – at least, in the redacted public version cited above – seems to cast some doubts on this. No conclusive video or photographic evidence has been provided by either the ICC or the mainstream media who have made similar accusations. If it existed, there is little doubt that it would have been broadcast to the world constantly across the news channels.
Contrast this with the strong evidence of war crimes committed by Western powers such as the US, UK and Israel, and the corresponding absence of prosecutions against these nations by the ICC, and it seems fair to say that the institution has a conception of justice which appears to be one-sided at best.

 Global Research Articles by Andy Dilks

Stop Nato: Updates on Libyan war: 17 May, 2011

Stop NATO (from:

  • Libyan War: Almost 7,000 NATO Military Flights, Over 2,700 Combat Missions
  • China Presses For Immediate Ceasefire In Libya
  • Russia: Libyan War First Litmus Test For NATO’s New Strategic Concept
  • Russian Foreign Minister: West Oversteps UN Resolution In Libya
  • The Real Reasons For NATO’s Attack On Libya
Libyan War: Almost 7,000 NATO Military Flights, Over 2,700 Combat Missions
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 08.00GMT) a total of 6944 sorties, including 2702 strike sorties have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 16 May: 136
Strike sorties conducted 16 May: 46
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 21 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
5 Vessels were hailed on 16 May to determine destination and cargo. No boarding (no diversion) was conducted.
A total of 941 vessels have been hailed, 40 boardings and 5 diversions have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.
China Presses For Immediate Ceasefire In Libya
Xinhua News Agency
May 17, 2011
China calls for immediate ceasefire in Libya
BEIJING: China on Tuesday called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya, saying that the future of the North African country should be decided by its own people.
“We are keeping a close watch on the situation in Libya, and once again call on relevant parties to cease fire immediately and solve the current crisis through peaceful means, such as negotiations and dialogue,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu at a regular news briefing.
Russian Foreign Minister: West Oversteps UN Resolution In Libya
Voice of Russia
May 17, 2011
Coalition oversteps UN mandate in Libya – Moscow
At a session in Cairo Sunday, the foreign ministers of the Arab League agreed to ask the Saudi-based Arabsat satellite operators to block the signals of all government-owned broadcasting organizations in Libya.
Russia sees this as deliberate trouble-stirring which has no justification in international law.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about this in Moscow Monday:
“I am at a loss over how my esteemed colleagues in the Arab League could have interpreted Security Council resolution 1973 as a go-ahead to start stifling freedom of speech. I am not taking sides in the civil war that is the Libyan conflict and believe the family of nations must safeguard the freedom of expression and seize on every opportunity to hear from all Libyan quarters.”
At a scheduled meeting with the visiting UN envoy for Libya Abdelilah al-Khatyb, Russian diplomats are going to tell him that the anti-Gaddafi coalition cannot be allowed to overstep its UN mandate for the Libya campaign and should also speed up action on the UN initiative for a humanitarian truce in the Libya war.
On Tuesday, Moscow will also host discussions with delegates from Muammar Gaddafi. Talks with the Benghazi-based rebels will have to wait until they have a logistical opportunity to send a delegation to Moscow.
On Sunday, the chief British military officer General David Richards urged the coalition to widen its menu of targets in Libya, so that Gaddafi has no option but to leave his post and go. Apparently, compliance with the UN resolutions to protect Libyan civilians was not on the general’s mind.
Many international analysts have gone as far as to suggest that the Libya crisis may prompt further moves to reshape the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

The Gold Theft Plan behind the Libyan Invasion

The Truth about 'Civilized Transitions': NATO's Civilizing Bloodbath in Libya

"What about giving Gaddafi an exit strategy?" -- Channel 4 News presenter to somebody or other, 16 May, 2011
This is what it comes down to: A TV 'news' presenter reveals in all its starkness, how the Empire corrupts totally. Here we have an apparently intelligent and educated person dismissing the leader of a country as if he's just another expendable piece of the Empire's junk. 'Yeah, why you don't just get rid of him, make him go away'. It's absolutely outrageous that we accept this kind of rubbish and it's echoed right across the MSM (see below).
By what right does the media pass judgement in this way? Worse still, we accept it as legitimate news making, where 'received opinion' is folded faultlessly into the mix. It's assumed that we have every right to pronounce on the fate of others, made especially easy when the self-same 'news' presenter has helped in demonizing Gaddafi and turning him into the other.
Perhaps if she'd also asked, 'What about giving NATO an exit strategy?", I would have more sympathy but it would in no way alter the fundamental assumption that the presenter is fully immersed in the idea that we can behave as we please, commit even worse crimes in the name of preventingcrimes! The arrogance of Empire knows no limit.
Elsewhere some British military buffoon calls to demolish what's left of Libya and blow Gaddafi away by bending the 'rules' even more than they've already have been. So here we have a military man acting and behaving as if he were an elected politician and the BBC has no problem with this:
"General Sir David Richards told the Sunday Telegraph direct attacks should be launched against the infrastructure propping up Colonel Gaddafi's regime." -- 'Libya: Fox supports call for intensified campaign', BBC News Website, 15 May, 2011
Echoing the call by Tory 'Defence' minister Liam Fox who says that he agrees with Richards that Nato needs to 'upscale' its assault on Libya. The BBC's sub says it all:
'Within rules'
Col Gaddafi's removal is not a specified military objective of the action.
But in the interview with the Telegraph, Gen Richards said it would be "within the rules" should he be killed in a strike on a command and control centre." (ibid)
And on another, equally misleadingly titled piece, 'Why UN acted over Libya and Ivory Coast - but not Syria', the BBC tells it like it is, the Empire's point of view that is:
'Claire Bolderson looks at how the UN came up with the resolutions and asks whether it is likely to do the same elsewhere.
A month into the rebellion, town after town had fallen back under the Libyan leader's control and Col Gaddafi was threatening to wipe out the opposition.
At the UN there were fears of a massacre. -- 'Why UN acted over Libya and Ivory Coast - but not Syria', BBC News Website, 16 May 2011 (my. emph. WB)
Note how the BBC inserts the assumption--now made fact--that a massacre was about to occur, an assumption based on nothing more than rumour.
What's interesting is that aside from mentioning French intervention in the Ivory Coast (also done under the cover of the UN), none of the other countries in the Middle East, aside from Syria (of course) are unpacked at all. Instead, we read,
"While Egypt and Tunisia had been through what the French ambassador at the United Nations, Gerard Araud, calls "civilised transitions", in the case of Libya he says "at our borders, across the street from Europe, we could have had an incredible bloodbath"".
'Civilized transitions'? What transitions? And so close to home? There have been no transitions anywhere. Instead we have launched a civilizing bloodbath as a diversion. The point is, as with the Channel 4 News quote, massive assumptions are made about our God-given right to intervene wherever we choose, however we choose.
The question the piece poses 'Why UN acted over Libya and Ivory Coast - but not Syria', is not answered except in a roundabout kind of way. Instead it quotes Carne Ross, 'head of the consultancy Independent Diplomat'[1] and ends with the predictable assumption,
""If Libya turns into a quagmire - a protracted civil war - then there'll be a lot more hesitation about these kind of interventions in future""
So no discussion of the legality, let alone the morality of such actions. Instead the piece worries that unless Gaddafi is taken out now, it will make it more difficult to do the same elsewhere in the future! There you have it; the media in total lockstep with the Empire.
1. 'Independent? Check out its board of directors amongst whom are:
Avis Bohlen, former Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control; former US Ambassador to Bulgaria; former Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Paris; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs; chair of the board of directors for International Research & Exchange Board (IREX) and member of the board of the American Academy of Diplomacy
A. Whitney Ellsworth (Chair)
Publishing consultant; former publisher of The New York Review of Books; former board member and chairman of Amnesty International USA; former member and vice-chairman of AI International Executive Committee; board member and secretary of Human Rights First and board member The Andrei Sakharov Foundation (USA).

William Bowles is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by William Bowles

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Italian foreign minister's outrageous lies

I wonder where they get the nerve? Or is it simple desperation at not making any "progress" in Libya?

"Frattini told reporters that he believed what he had been told by Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, the Catholic bishop in Tripoli, that Gaddafi had probably left Tripoli and had probably even been wounded by NATO airstrikes."  

Bishop Martinelli denies ever having said anything of the sort:  "What the foreign minister said is not right because I never said that the Libyan leader was wounded," Martinelli told Radio France Internationale.

"I only said that he was under psychological shock from the death of his son. I did not say he was wounded or that he left Tripoli."

"Bishop Giovanni Martinelli remarked on April 27 saying, “The United Nations has decided to make war and to not allow any form of dialogue as a means of resolving disputes.” He described the escalation of fighting as “a defeat for humanity,” saying that “nothing will change” on account of the Western powers’ intervention."

11 Imams killed by NATO bombing of a guest house within a residential area of Albrega

In the early hours of yesterday morning NATO decided that the well known Imams calling for peace and reciting the Qur'an constituted a danger and bombed the hotel they were sleeping in.
Their justification was the same they used when they bombed the house of one of Gaddafi's sons (Seif al-Arab and three small children were killed) - it was a command centre.

At this stage speaking out against NATO, for Libyan unity and peace and, even more incriminating - possessing a mobile phone makes you a command centre and no longer civilian, but a legitimate target.

45 others were injured, five are in intensive care and the hotel was razed to the ground as well a neighbouring houses damaged.